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In Conversation With Ummul

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Resin Art Journey: From Beginner to Aspiring Artist

Although I used to watch many videos of resin art, it wasn't until a fateful day in March 2023 that my journey truly began. As I was scrolling through Instagram, a video by Sharad Sir from SD Academia caught my eye. The short video on "how to become a resin artist" was both inspiring and informative. It was on the second day of the session, with the registration deadline looming on the same day. Without hesitation, I made a quick online payment of just 99 rupees to secure my spot for the next day.On the day of the session, I rushed to my son's school PTM, hurried back home, and eagerly joined the resin art session. It was here that I discovered the world of resin art and learned what resin really is. Thanks to Sharad Sir's expert guidance and explanation, I was instantly captivated. It felt like if I didn't learn resin art at that moment, I might miss out on something truly special. That's where my journey with SD Academia began....Soon after, Jyoti Mam provided me with all the necessary details, and I made the payment. Since then, I haven't missed a single class, and my passion for resin art has only grown. I credit SD Academia for introducing me to this fascinating world of creativity and self-expression.As a resin artist, I absolutely love the versatility and beauty of resin as a medium. Its ability to capture and reflect light, the endless color possibilities, and its capacity to preserve and enhance different materials fascinate me. It's an incredibly rewarding experience to see a piece come to life, from pouring the resin to witnessing it cure into a glossy, mesmerizing finish. Being a resin artist not only allows me to express my creativity but also share my passion with others. It's a magical and fulfilling journey, and that's why my logo reads "CREATE. INSPIRE. INNOVATE."One of the turning points in my journey was creating a terrazzo table, and I can still vividly recall the moment I completed it. The amazement and appreciation I received from others, as well as my own sense of pride, were unforgettable. While there were challenges along the way, that day instilled in me a deep sense of accomplishment.Balancing motherhood and art can be challenging, but I've found ways to make it work. Proper time management, involving my kids in the creative process, and cherishing the moments of artistic expression have helped me maintain a delicate balance. However, external stressors sometimes lead to creative blocks, especially during festivals, events, or my children's exams. But I've learned that with determination, it's not impossible to overcome these challenges.Creative blocks are a natural part of the creative process, and they can be frustrating. Sometimes, resin doesn't cooperate, or my toddler's mischievous nature disrupts my work. Weather conditions can also pose challenges. In such moments, I've discovered the value of taking breaks, engaging in activities like yoga, meditation, or trying out new hobbies to rejuvenate my mind. Seeking inspiration from various sources and experimenting with different techniques can help spark creativity. Staying positive, practicing self-care, and reminding myself that creative blocks are temporary has been key in overcoming these hurdles.Despite these challenges, I've realized that they are an integral part of the journey and can lead to personal and artistic growth. As a working mom with limited time, finding time for my passion is indeed challenging. However, it doesn't deter me from pursuing my dreams and hobbies.One misconception about resin art is that you need to be a skilled painter or drawer to excel in it. While a background in art can be helpful, resin art is about creativity, learning, and exploring new techniques. It doesn't discriminate based on prior skills or interests.Resin art and products can indeed take up a significant amount of space, especially during the creation and curing process. Organizing your workspace efficiently and using storage containers or shelves to keep supplies and finished pieces organized can help. Designating specific areas for different stages of the resin crafting process can maximize available space, and periodically evaluating your inventory can help manage space.When starting with resin art for the first time, it's crucial to carefully follow the instructions for the resin and pigments, ensuring a well-ventilated and protected workspace. Experimenting with small projects, embracing mistakes, and learning from them are part of the creative journey. Remember not to compare yourself to others.To stand out in the resin art world, consider experimenting with unique color combinations, unusual materials, different pouring techniques, and incorporating other art forms like lippan, mosaic, and mandala art. Innovation and originality can set you apart.For those interested in pursuing art, remember that challenges are part of the journey and can lead to personal and artistic growth. It's essential to promise yourself never to give up on your dreams and boldly express your creative ideas.My resin brand has just started, but I aim to expand my product line, collaborate with other artists, explore new marketing strategies, and engage with my audience through workshops and tutorials. Providing high-quality and unique resin art pieces is my goal.My resin art journey has just begun, and I'm a beginner. Currently, I'm working on an aura table, and I have a particular love for using alcohol ink designs.So much of what I know about resin art, I owe to SD Academia. They've shown me the right path and supported me on this artistic adventure. It's a journey that began just a few months ago, and I'm excited to see where it leads.

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