In Conversation With Sweekruti
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Resin Reflections: Crafting Joy Through Colors
Being an artist is in my blood. My parents and brother are all artists. My brother is the best at sketching. So my inspiration has always been my family. I love to do interior decoration, and as a girl, I used to dream about how my home should look, especially the hall, bedroom, and the color palette that would bring a smile to my face.When I understood that using Resin, we can create endless attractive products, from kitchenware to furniture, I fell in love with this art form and wanted to work with it to bring joy to others' lives. For me, art is not only about painting and sketching. It lies wherever nature and colors are involved.My biggest achievement dates back to my younger days when I won the first prize in school for Flower Arrangement five years in a row. That made me realize I am good at working with colors and creating symmetry.I don't often face creative blocks because I belong to a creative family.... When I do get stuck, I find ideas online. If that doesn't work, I reach out to my family, and they motivate me with even better ideas.When I don't get any ideas, I feel stuck and suffocated, which makes me feel incomplete. When that happens, I take a short vacation to relax and clear my mind. I also discuss my requirements with my family to overcome creative blocks and make decisions.Although I didn't face challenges in growing my art skills, my parents believed that choosing art as a career wasn't stable, so they encouraged me to pursue engineering. I pursued both engineering and my passion for art. Now, I am financially stable, allowing me to follow my passion as a career.In my opinion, an artist is not just someone who sketches and paints. There are multiple forms of art, and a true artist is one who can create "the best from waste." Resin art doesn't require great sketching and painting skills; you need to understand fluids and colors, as well as color theory.As a resin artist, I started my business working from home. I don't have a separate space to store my products, so I use the dining table and study table as my workstation. Once my business grows, I plan to set up my studio.I would like to tell aspiring resin artists to understand the basic nature of resin and explore its vast scope. Consider your client's desires, likes, and dislikes to create customized products that bring a smile to their face.In the next year, I aim to grow locally and nationally, building trust with my clients and providing them with the best products. I want to gain more repeat customers and create an impression that will last.I recently started my business and have been working on mixed media techniques to create 3D textured frames and geode pieces. I've also started selling online, and though it's only been a month, it's been a great start.Art has helped me acquire personal skills like working with alcohol inks on different materials and has given me the motivation to turn my passion into a business. It has guided me toward achieving my goals.My journey in the world of resin art has been only four months old, but I've learned that with practice, any skill is achievable. I remember a moment when I felt proud of myself. It was during the creation of the Blue Lagoon Table, where I was able to create beautiful cells and waves. It was a testament to the power of practice and determination.My business journey may have just begun, but I am on a colorful path to crafting joy through resin, one piece at a time.Was this response better or worse?BetterWorseSame