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by shubhra

In Conversation With Shubhra

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Resin Artistry: A Journey from Silence to Vibrancy

Over the last five years, my life has transformed into a colorful canvas of dreams and creations. It began with a spark, a dream, and my mother's unwavering encouragement. She recognized the artist in me and sent me to study visual art at Banaras Hindu University. That decision, that belief in my potential, set me on the path I walk today.Resin art, the medium of choice for my creative expression, has surged in popularity worldwide. My fascination with it ignited when I stumbled upon breathtaking resin creations on Pinterest. From home decor to furniture, jewelry to stationery, resin's possibilities seemed endless.Initially, I experimented with resin coatings on my paper jewelry, and the results were beyond my wildest expectations. This newfound passion soon transformed into a source of income, as I explored its diverse applications within the world of art.Reflecting on my journey, one memory stands out vividly.... In my younger years, around seventh or eighth grade, I would sketch and paint anything I found in magazines or books. My collection of sketches, paintings, and drawings grew, becoming a valuable resource. An unforgettable achievement was when my brother offered one of my pieces to a friend during an art project submission.For a significant part of my life after marriage, nearly a decade, I couldn't create anything on canvas or paper. It was only when my children needed assistance with their school art projects that I ventured into quilling.Yet, there have been moments when creativity eluded me, leaving me feeling frustrated. It was during these times that music and plants came to my rescue. I am a devoted fan of Jagjit Singh's ghazals, and nature's greenery has always soothed my spirit. Occasionally, I find solace in cooking when faced with creative blocks.My love for art has been a constant in my life, and my parents have been pillars of unwavering support. They've endured many challenges on my behalf, always believing in my artistic potential.Resin, as a medium, is a great equalizer. It doesn't discriminate based on background or expertise. All that's required is an understanding of its do's and don'ts, as it's essentially a simple chemical reaction with the artwork doing most of the work itself.Staying organized is essential, especially when it comes to storing resin pieces. I meticulously store them in different drawers and storage boxes, ensuring their safety and longevity.The future holds the promise of even greater artistic endeavors. The key, I've learned, is to keep an eye on the pot life of resin and have everything ready before starting the mixing process. Recently, I had the gratifying experience of reviving old, discarded artworks using resin, breathing new life into them.My dream is to establish my brand firmly, and my art has already found a place in people's hearts. Among my creations, home decor items such as wall clocks, resin souvenirs, and alphabet resin lamps have been particularly cherished.In the past three years, my art has blossomed, generating over 30,000 rupees through two freelancing opportunities and an exhibition. Working with alcohol ink and crafting resin lamps have been particularly enriching experiences.My journey recently led me to a Rakhi fair where I made 5,180 rupees and secured three orders. While my art practice doesn't follow a fixed schedule, I've started working on it regularly.Within my society, I've found a supportive community that has aided my artistic growth. SD Acadeia has played a significant role in expanding my knowledge of resin, helping me represent my art professionally, pitch ideas and secure orders, and even imparting photography and media skills. Most importantly, they've instilled in me the importance of never underestimating myself as an artist.One pivotal moment in my journey was the introductory class with Sharad sir, my first encounter with resin. It was here that I realized the simplicity of resin art, provided you remain alert throughout the process.As I stand at the crossroads of my artistic voyage, I'm grateful for the support, inspiration, and opportunities that have come my way. The best is yet to come, and my heart brims with excitement for the canvases yet to be filled and the dreams yet to be realized.

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