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by shilpa

In Conversation With Shilpa

Know More About Shilpa

A Journey Unveiled: From Doubts to Dazzling Resin Art

In the middle stages of life, when responsibilities of parenthood and caring for an ailing father-in-law consumed most of her time, there came a moment of tranquility. With grown-up kids and a quiet house, she stumbled upon the enchanting world of resin art while scrolling through various social media platforms. This chance discovery marked the inception of her artistic journey.The allure of resin artifacts, with their glamorous aesthetics, resonated deeply within her. It wasn't long before she decided to dive headfirst into learning the intricacies of resin art. What began as a pastime soon unfolded as a soothing balm for her soul, offering solace and serving as a stress buster. The path ahead became clear: she aspired to be a resin artist.As she ventured into this newfound passion, she brought with her a rich history in the field of art. From her childhood, she had dabbled in charcoal painting, and even during her school years, her exceptional skills in creating Biology diagrams made her stand out.... A particular incident left an indelible mark - her daughter's school project, centered around India's national symbols, became a source of pride. Her creativity shone through, and the chart she crafted was displayed on the school notice board, earning her daughter's admiration and her own overwhelming sense of accomplishment.However, as she embarked on her resin art journey and attempted to recreate intricate pieces, she faced formidable challenges. Some of her initial endeavors resulted in disappointments and even failures. Negative voices echoed around her, with people questioning her capabilities and suggesting that resin art might not be her calling.Despite the criticism and self-doubt that crept in, a pivotal conversation rekindled her determination. During a live session with Sharad Sir and Priti Magga Mam, Mam shared an inspirational story about Chef Vikas Khanna. She recounted how, even when following his exact recipes, her culinary creations lacked the unique flavor that Vikas Sir infused into his dishes. This revelation struck a chord, leading her to understand that her resin artworks, while not replicas, possessed their own distinctive beauty, bearing her unique artistic signature.The journey was not without its hurdles. The costliness and the intricate handling of resin raw materials posed significant challenges. Some materials were flammable, not child-friendly, and not environmentally sustainable. Being a nature lover, she hesitated initially. Nevertheless, she persevered and, with practice, discovered innovative ways to reuse tools, minimizing waste and contributing to environmental sustainability.She firmly believes that art can be learned, much like any other craft or skill. The true essence of this field lies in creativity - the amalgamation of various techniques and ideas that make each artist unique.The world of resin art is not without its storage challenges. Resin products, often bulky and intricate, demand meticulous planning and dedicated execution. However, she firmly believes that where there is a will, there is a way.In her pursuit of resin art, she draws inspiration from a powerful quote - "Art is done for the soul." Her message to aspiring artists is clear: if resin art fills your heart with joy and satisfaction, then it is meant for you. She encourages others to follow their inner voice and intuition. After trying resin art, if that inner voice resonates with a resounding "yes," then there's nothing that can deter them.She stands out in her approach as a resin artist by not merely asking about her clients' favorite colors but delving deeper into their tastes and preferences. Not everyone is fully aware of what they like, and by engaging in meaningful discussions, she uncovers their desires. This allows her to create products that resonate with her clients on a personal level, forging a lasting connection.Looking ahead, her aspirations for the upcoming year are simple yet profound: she aims for people to recognize the artist right next to them. She believes that hearts are complete only with art, and her mission is to connect hearts through the awareness of art.As she reflects on her journey, she recalls her humble beginnings just two months ago. Revenue has been limited, but her determination knows no bounds. She is already exploring new horizons, trying her hand at mix media Mantra frames and crafting small Puja tables. Despite the challenges she has faced and the initial self-doubt, she acknowledges that every artist's path is unique and paved with their own flavors, just like in the culinary world.In her heart, she knows that her journey is just beginning. With each resin creation, she seeks to infuse her unique essence, making every piece a testament to her passion and creativity. The road may be filled with challenges, but for her, resin art is not just a craft; it's a calling, a path of self-discovery, and an everlasting source of joy.This is her story - a tale of resilience, creativity, and the unwavering pursuit of art.

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