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A Year of Resin Artistry: Crafting Dreams into Reality

For as long as I can remember, art has been the rhythmic pulse of my life. It was my secret haven, a realm where I could unravel my creativity thread by thread. But little did I know that my artistic journey would lead me to a crossroads, forcing me to choose between my established career in interiors and the untrodden path of being a full-fledged artist.It all began with a canvas, adorned with oil and acrylic paintings. Those early strokes ignited a spark within me, leading to small, intimate community exhibitions. The applause and encouragement from my viewers fueled my passion, inspiring me to explore further. My artistic odyssey was just beginning.One day, I stumbled upon the mesmerizing world of resin art. A medium that seemed simple yet held boundless potential. Resin, with a touch of creative imagination, had the power to metamorphose into beautiful, ethereal pieces.... The mere idea of it was magical.As I delved deeper into the realm of art, I learned the intricate craft of creating a river table at SD Academia. The day I carried the finished table to my parents' home for them to behold, their raised eyebrows remain etched in my memory. It was an unforgettable moment, a testament to the endless possibilities of art and resin.Yet, in the world of creativity, there are moments of despair. Creative blocks loom, and there are times when I can't sell a piece, when I can't fathom what's next. The temporary cloud of demotivation and sadness sets in, but it's a spark waiting to ignite something new. I spend nights contemplating, researching, and watching videos, giving birth to fresh ideas.Art isn't just my passion; it's my profession now. I made a life-altering decision to embrace art as my full-time calling. My dream is to craft beautiful wall pieces and furniture that seamlessly blend into interiors. It was a choice I made with my heart, eyes closed, and the resolute belief that art is my true calling.Some might argue that art requires immense space. And I agree; it does, but isn't that true for most professions? The sprawling canvases, the jars of resin, the tools – they all find their place, making my workspace a true haven of creativity.Art is more than just colors and forms; it's a beaming ray of happiness on my face. The very act of creating something unique, bringing my imagination to life, is a blissful experience. And to those who wish to follow in my footsteps, I offer a simple piece of advice – listen, observe, and stand out differently.My next challenge, my next adventure, is to craft wardrobe shutters of resin. It's a dream that unfolds in layers, much like the resin itself. In the coming year, I plan to focus on geode pieces, creating stunning artworks that capture the essence of nature's marvels.While every creation is a piece of my soul, the one that resonates most with my audience is the lamp. Its soft, luminous glow captures the essence of resin art, casting a spell in any room it graces.This artistic voyage has already begun to bear fruits. With a sale of 36,000 units, I've embarked on a promising journey. The big order I've just received is but a sign of the exciting path that lies ahead.My art has taken me to some incredible platforms - the Bangalore International Centre, Sunday Soul Santhe, and the Dufa Marketplace. These experiences have endowed me with confidence and enriched my learning. My art is not just a reflection of my imagination; it's an evolving journey of self-discovery.Nine months into this artful sojourn, I've encountered my fair share of challenges. Some products don't turn out as expected, but I've learned to embrace the imperfections and transform them into new creations. The Gulab table and the beach pour breakfast table stand as examples of this evolution.As I traverse this creative path, I continue to experiment with new ideas, working diligently on the door panel. Art is not just my profession; it's a ceaseless journey of passion and discovery. With every resin pour, I carve a piece of my soul, weaving dreams into tangible reality, and there's nothing more beautiful than that.

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