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by sharmishta

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Unveiling the Artistic Odyssey: From Resin Novice to Creative Luminary

In the realm of creativity, every artist has a unique story to tell, a journey that unfolds with passion and unwavering dedication. Today, we delve into the fascinating narrative of an artist who, despite starting her artistic voyage relatively recently, has already made significant strides. Her tale is a testament to the belief that when you're truly passionate about something, you'll find a way to make time for it, regardless of life's busyness.Our artist's journey commenced with the establishment of her online presence—a shop, Instagram page, store, and an impressive portfolio showcasing a diverse range of creations. Her artistic domain spans jewelry, home decor, preservation, wall decor, and mixed media, reflecting her versatility and innate creativity.But what drove her to embark on this artistic adventure? The seed of inspiration was sown by her grandmother ("dida"), her mother, and observant neighbors who ignited her early artistic inclinations.... However, it was a chance encounter with her college professor, who effortlessly juggled writing novels, poems, attending classes, sculpting, and doodling alongside his academic pursuits, that left an indelible mark. His words resonated deeply, challenging her outlook on time management and passion pursuit.And thus, the artist's journey into the captivating world of resin art began. It was love at first sight—a profound connection with a medium that seemed tailor-made for her creative spirit. The moment she grasped the intricacies of resin work, her mind became a canvas teeming with imaginative ideas. She knew this was her calling.But creativity, as it often does, brought its share of challenges. The dreaded creative block, a frustrating impasse where inspiration seemed elusive, would occasionally cast a shadow. In those moments, she'd confront her art supplies, seeking solace in the materials that had birthed her creations. Sometimes it worked; other times, she'd draw inspiration from fellow artists.The path to becoming a professional artist wasn't without obstacles. Self-doubt and time management were early adversaries, but she found support and shared responsibilities with her husband. Sourcing raw materials in new places proved tricky, relying heavily on online purchases. A nomadic lifestyle, courtesy of her husband's job, meant a lack of a dedicated workshop space. Health issues also joined the list of challenges, but her determination remained unshaken.Intriguingly, our artist admits to having no background in drawing or painting. However, she's mastered the art of creating beauty with liquids on liquids, proving that traditional artistic skills aren't prerequisites for resin artistry.As her resin art collection grew, so did the need for space to store her creations. The limited storage capacity became the catalyst for her decision to share her art with the world. As an artist, her primary focus is on the creative process itself, and the satisfaction of creating beautiful pieces is what drives her.She draws inspiration from the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita: "कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन I" (You have a right to perform your prescribed duties, but you are not entitled to the fruits of your actions). It underscores her commitment to her craft, driven by passion rather than expectations.For those contemplating their own artistic journey, her message is clear: "Go for it, it's challenging and might not give the same result every time, pretty unpredictable, and that makes it more interesting."Looking ahead, the artist aspires to establish her brand as a reliable, trustworthy, and creative entity with unique ideas. Her coasters have emerged as bestsellers, garnering praise in just a few short months.While her journey has just begun, her progress is nothing short of remarkable. As she continues to explore new techniques, hone her skills, and share her art with the world, her story serves as a testament to the boundless potential of artistic passion. The most memorable class in her artistic education? The sunrose table class, a shining example of her commitment to lifelong learning and creative excellence.

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