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by rekha

In Conversation With Rekha

Know More About Rekha

Resin Art: A Journey of Rediscovery and Creativity

For years, life had kept her passion for art and craft locked away. Marriage and family responsibilities had taken precedence, and her creative spirit remained dormant. However, the call of artistic expression was too strong to ignore.Three years ago, she decided to reignite her creative flame, embracing her love for art once more. Her journey began with handicrafts, creating beautiful items for various occasions. Yet, it was a fateful encounter with a resin art video on social media that changed everything. She was instantly captivated by the mesmerizing world of resin art, and from that point on, there was no turning back.The journey of a thousand brushstrokes began with a single step, or rather, a single handcrafted resin coaster and key holder. Her niece was her very first customer, and it was an emotional milestone. It marked the inception of something extraordinary, a creative venture that was close to her heart....But like any artist, she too faced moments of creative block, when inspiration seemed elusive. During these times, she knew that the best remedy was to step away from her work, relax, and then return to the canvas with renewed energy.Self-doubt often whispered in her ear. The fear of whether her art would be recognized in a crowded marketplace was a constant companion. Yet, her family's unwavering support helped her conquer this fear. They stood by her side, giving her the courage to chase her artistic dreams.Her artistic journey wasn't without its challenges. Resin art demands time, money, and effort, but she persevered, honing her craft and creating products that shone with fine finishes. She learned the importance of utilizing top-notch raw materials, striving for excellence in each piece she crafted.The physical space her art consumed posed another challenge, but she had a solution. She carefully wrapped her creations in cotton cloth and bubble wrap, maximizing the use of her workspace, ensuring her art did not encroach on her life.As for inspiration, she had no particular quote to guide her. Her motto was simple – keep moving forward. Her advice to budding artists: don gloves and an apron for protection, let go of expectations, and surrender to the creative journey. Flow with it and savor every moment.Drawing and painting skills do nurture one's creative side, but she firmly believed that anyone could master resin art with dedication. The key was to pour their hearts into it.Through SD Academia, she not only refined her crafting skills but also learned how to market her creations. The videos and sessions were her guiding light, instilling confidence in her abilities.Her one-year plan was ambitious – to achieve sales of over ₹1 lakh and establish her brand's name in the market. Resin furniture had become her latest endeavor, thanks to her recent learning at SD Academia. She was also eager to explore new territories, like wall clocks and nameplates.In the last 1.5 years, she had generated ₹40,000 from her craft, and she was committed to surpassing that figure. SD Academia had played a pivotal role in her journey, offering her the knowledge and tools she needed to thrive as an artist. She had been taking sessions there for eight months, learning from instructors who pushed her to excel.She recalled the early struggles, like the Moon Geode wall decor class that had once left her demotivated. But she persevered and conquered it, just as she had with the Moon Geode wall decor. A memorable session was the Pebbles Tray class where she excelled, earning applause from her instructor, Sharad.And the proudest moment? It came during the Night Lamp session with Mandy. It was a celebration of artistic growth and a testament to her journey of rediscovery and creativity. Her art had found its place in her life, and she was determined to let it shine, one resin creation at a time.

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