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by rakhi

In Conversation With Rakhi

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Unveiling the Resin Art Journey: A Story of Perseverance and Creativity

I started my journey into the world of art not too long ago, but the fire in my heart burns brightly. I've set up my shop, Instagram page, and online store, showcasing my home decor, wall decor, and abstract pieces. My goals are clear: create awareness about my brand, gain social media followers, attract more clients for customizations, use the platform as my portfolio, and venture into freelancing. But my journey was not without its challenges.Art runs in my blood. My maternal father and uncles were exceptionally skilled artists, and I absorbed their talents like a sponge. Their artistry inspired me to explore my creative side. I discovered resin art, a medium that allows me to blend and mix various elements, adding an exquisite glow, luminescence, and rich texture. Resin art opened the door for my novice creativity to flourish.My artistic journey began long ago, even before I officially started my art business.... In the 9th grade, I participated in an art painting competition and won third prize without any prior practice or training. That achievement remains a source of pride, with the certificate as a cherished possession.But life had its hurdles. My son fell ill sporadically, demanding my full attention to restore his health. My creative process hit a roadblock, and I struggled to generate new ideas and execute them. It was a tough period that stifled my creative flow.During this challenging time, I found solace in devotional songs and quotes from the Bhagavad Gita. I also dedicated time to watching recorded art sessions and resin art tutorials on YouTube. These moments refreshed my mind and reminded me of the limitless possibilities of art.My dream was to transform my passion into a financially viable small-scale business. The choice of the art stream was my dilemma. Resin art, with its magical techniques and shorter learning curve, stood out. It allowed me to create stunning art in a shorter timeframe, making it a financially promising choice.Resin art has no boundaries, and I use my wall spaces to showcase my creations, reminding me to persevere in my artistic journey. As Gerhard Richter said, "Art is the highest form of hope." It's a sentiment I hold close, as art has the power to inspire hope and guide us toward brighter days.Welcome to the world of resin art, where a little pour with perseverance can create richness. Even if it's your first time, resin art won't disappoint if you handle it safely and carefully. The possibilities in resin art are vast, and I strive to create unique and nostalgic pieces that people will cherish.I focus on efficiency, reducing the time needed to create each piece while making them as unique as possible. This approach appeals to art enthusiasts and expands my business's presence on social media.As a beginner, my revenue is limited, but I am determined to grow. I'm currently experimenting with abstract resin art, eager to develop my skills and waiting for those first orders to roll in.My journey hasn't been easy, but it's been immensely rewarding. SD Academia has been my guiding light, helping me explore the vast ocean of art with continuous learning and keenness.It has been seven months since I embarked on this artistic voyage. My first resin product had its flaws, with uneven edges and a rough bottom. However, the level of detail and intricacy I achieved in subsequent pieces left me astounded.One of my most memorable experiences was the first introduction session with Sharad Sir. It was filled with curiosity, enthusiasm, and happiness, as I finally found my path in this unique art form, guided by expert mentors.My journey is far from over, but I'm filled with hope and inspiration. Art, particularly resin art, has the power to light up even the darkest tunnels, and I intend to keep creating and sharing my passion with the world.

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