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by rakhi

In Conversation With Rakhi

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Unveiling the Artistry of Resin: A Journey of Passion and Creation

In the realm of art, there exists a world where creativity knows no bounds, and expression takes on new dimensions. Today, we invite you to delve into the captivating story of an artist whose journey into the world of resin art has been nothing short of inspiring."Started Recently," she says, and indeed, her journey into the world of resin art began not long ago. What sets her apart is not just her artistic talents but her vision to transform her passion into a thriving profession. Armed with determination and creativity, she has already set up her shop, Instagram page, and online store, offering a range of mesmerizing creations.Her artistic prowess knows no boundaries, spanning across various domains - Jewelry, Furniture, Home decor, Wall decor, Mixed media. Resin art, with its glossy finishes and intricate detailing, became her medium of choice, allowing her to create a diverse array of stunning finished products....But her journey is not just about creating beautiful art; it's about sharing it with the world. She aspires to create awareness about her brand, gain a substantial social media following, and use her platform as a portfolio of her artistic journey. Additionally, she's eager to explore the world of freelancing and customization, opening her artistry to unique and personalized requests.Growing up, art was always a part of her life. "Fortunately, I always have art people around me since my childhood," she reveals. Her family, friends, and the artistic ambiance of her surroundings nurtured her creativity, ensuring that the spark of art remained alive within her."Resin art is something that really attracted me," she confesses. Her desire to create something beautiful and enjoy it with her family and friends while earning a living led her to discover resin art, a medium that promised both fulfillment and demand.During her childhood, she showcased her artistic talents with pride. Her paintings were displayed in a local railway exhibition, earning her accolades and making her parents immensely proud. It was a glimpse of the recognition her art could achieve.Yet, like any artist, she faces creative blocks. When urgent deliveries demand her attention or family matters weigh on her mind, it can temporarily hinder her creative thoughts. But she refuses to let these obstacles deter her."Annoying," she describes the feeling of facing creative blocks. To overcome them, she turns to calming techniques like deep breathing and the soothing power of music. It's a testament to her resilience and unwavering commitment to her craft.As a homemaker, finding the balance between her passion and family was a challenge she embraced. Resin art, she emphasizes, is not confined to traditional drawing or painting. It's about creativity, and the more creativity she pours into her work, the better the results.The space issue, a common challenge in resin art, did not deter her. She divided her space into two parts, one for managing finished products and the other as her playground, where resin art takes shape."Don't be afraid of making mistakes and experimenting," she advises budding artists. For her, mistakes and experiments are stepping stones on the artist's journey."Be careful with mixture calculation," she cautions, recognizing the importance of precision in resin art. She recommends starting with simpler projects to build confidence, a valuable lesson for beginners.What lies ahead for this talented artist? She plans to continue experimenting with her imagination, pushing the boundaries of her creations. Her goal is to gain people's trust by delivering unique products and establishing her brand.Jewelry, Rakhi, Wall decor are her most sought-after creations, and she has already generated around 14,000 rupees in revenue. As the festive season approaches, she is working on traditional decor items, including lamps, wall decors, and platters.Her last month's revenue amounted to 3,500 rupees, and she typically manages 3 to 6 deliveries per month. In her housing society, Paramount GolfForeste, Greater Noida (UP), she's making her mark in the world of art."I've learned everything about resin art from SD Academia," she acknowledges. The guidance and expertise she received from SD Academia have been invaluable, providing her with the confidence and knowledge to excel in her craft.Her journey, like any artist's, has had its ups and downs. Instances where she didn't achieve the expected results were initially demotivating, but they also led to unexpected, unique creations that she cherishes.In one memorable session, she crafted a leaf impression resin tray, a testament to her ever-evolving and boundless creativity.

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