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by puja

In Conversation With Puja

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Crafting Dreams with Resin: A Journey of Creativity and Perseverance

Once upon a time, in a world filled with colors and creativity, there lived an artist whose journey into the realm of resin art was as captivating as the art she crafted. Her story is a testament to the power of passion and the courage to follow one's dreams.Growing up, this artist had always been drawn to the world of art. She would watch in awe as her seniors displayed their incredible drawing skills, igniting a spark within her. It was during these formative years that she fell in love with the idea of becoming an artist herself.But life has a funny way of taking unexpected turns. For this artist, her artistic aspirations took a back seat as she embarked on a different path. Yet, the love for art never truly faded. It merely bided its time, waiting for the perfect moment to rekindle its flame.And then, one day, it happened. Our artist stumbled upon the mesmerizing world of resin art, and it was love at first sight. The mirror-like reflective effects and the sheer uniqueness of resin art left her spellbound.... It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.As she delved deeper into this fascinating art form, she realized that resin art was not just about creating beautiful pieces; it was a way to preserve memories in a truly unique and captivating manner. It was a medium that spoke to her soul.But every artist has their moments of doubt and triumph. In her school days, she faced a creative challenge that would forever remain etched in her memory. Yet, she emerged victorious, winning an award in a drawing competition. It was an achievement she would always cherish.Life, however, had its way of testing her resolve. Creative blocks often surfaced, especially during stressful times such as her children's examinations or when they fell ill. These were moments when her creative well seemed to run dry, leaving her feeling adrift and uninspired.In those moments, she found solace in taking a break, spending quality time with her family, and seeking inspiration from close friends. It was these moments of pause that allowed her to recharge and reignite her creative spark.But the path to becoming a resin artist was not without its challenges. In the beginning, her family was not entirely supportive, their understanding of a full-fledged career differing from her artistic aspirations. Nevertheless, her determination and passion persevered, ultimately winning them over.One of the prevailing myths in the art world is that every resin artist needs to be skilled in drawing and painting. However, our artist firmly believes that while drawing and painting can be beneficial, they are not prerequisites for success in resin art. What truly matters is one's ability to envision new ideas, possess a keen sense of color, and master the art of form and shape.Storage had also been a concern. Resin art requires space, but our artist managed it efficiently. She cleverly utilized areas like the space underneath her stairs and corners that saw limited use in daily life, ensuring that her finished products and raw materials were stored safely and systematically.Her favorite quote, "There is no must in ART because art is free," serves as a constant source of inspiration. It embodies the boundless nature of art, encouraging creativity without constraints, and celebrating uniqueness in every creation.With a meticulous approach to her craft, our artist emphasizes the importance of accurate resin mixing, maintaining the level of the work station, and precise use of a blow torch. These elements, when combined effectively, bring the magic of resin to life.Looking ahead, she envisions carving a niche in resin tables and Varmala preservation, which she believes will set her apart as an artist. Her plans for the coming year include establishing a full-fledged website, increasing her presence on social media, and participating in several exhibitions to showcase her exceptional creations.Among her most admired works are the Rose Table, Ocean Table, and River Table, each a testament to her artistic prowess. Her journey has been rewarding in more ways than one, as she has already generated a cumulative revenue of 40,000 rupees.But the artist's thirst for creativity knows no bounds. She is currently exploring the fusion of glass and resin for her next project, promising a unique and stunning creation.As for the future, she remains optimistic, with an eye on expanding her brand and achieving greater recognition. Her journey, nurtured by the guidance of SD Academia, has been transformative. From overcoming challenges in resin mixing to perfecting her finishing techniques, every step has been a lesson in growth and self-discovery.This artist's journey is a reminder that dreams can be pursued at any stage in life, and success comes to those who dare to chase their passions. With resin as her canvas and creativity as her palette, she is crafting a future as vibrant and captivating as her art.

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