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by neha

In Conversation With Neha

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Turning Resin Dreams into Reality: The Artistic Journey

I recently embarked on a journey that has ignited my passion and creativity like never before. It all began when I set up my shop, Instagram page, and an online store to showcase my exquisite home and wall decor pieces crafted from resin. My objective was clear: to create awareness about my brand, gain a following on social media, and connect with clients looking for customized art. I've always been drawn to the world of art, and my inspiration for this journey came from a very special person in my life, my mother.Artistry first touched my soul through the intricate beauty of henna, and it quickly became an inseparable part of my life. It was during my college years that I realized my artistic potential, winning third place in the youth festival. That moment remains etched in my memory as one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life.However, life took an unexpected turn when I lost my mother. The creative block that followed was paralyzing.... It felt like I had lost my way in a world that had become a mere facade. But as they say, time is the best healer, and my son filled the void left by her absence.It was only later that I realized this journey into resin art was not merely a coincidence. I believe it was a sign from the universe, guiding me towards my dreams. Resin art, to me, is all about clarity and creativity. I've faced challenges along the way, such as storing resin pieces, but I've learned to overcome these hurdles, wrapping them in butter paper to protect their beauty.Creativity, I've discovered, takes courage. Resin art is an easy art form that thrives on boundless creativity, and quality is paramount to me. Every piece I create must bring a smile to my clients' faces.My aspiration is to establish myself as the best home decor resin brand, with a focus on crafting clocks and wall decor pieces. With a goal of producing 20,000 pieces, I'm dedicated to perfecting my craft. I recently participated in an exhibition organized by in Panipat for Rakhi and Teej, which was a step forward in my artistic journey.My eight-month journey with SD Academia has been a game-changer. The challenges I've faced, like creating "The Gulab Table," have been nothing short of a roller coaster ride. When I first crafted the rose design on the table, I was on cloud nine. However, pouring the resin on a cold day resulted in thin lines on the table, leaving me disheartened. After a one-on-one session with Priya mam, I regained my motivation and went on to sand and recreate the table. Today, it stands as one of my most cherished creations.Among the numerous works of art I've produced, "The River Table" holds a special place in my heart. Each piece tells a unique story, and this journey of turning resin dreams into reality has been a testament to the power of art and determination.

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