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by namrata

In Conversation With Namrata

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Discovering My Artistic Journey: From Childhood Creativity to Resin Art Entrepreneurship

I was not born an artist. In fact, my earliest creative endeavors were thanks to my mother, who used to help me with school projects when I was in the 2nd or 3rd grade. Back then, I was a creative soul with a knack for picking up things quickly. Seeing my mom create these wonderful projects for me sparked a sense of creativity within me. I wanted to try my hand at it, too, even though my early attempts weren't exactly masterpieces.One pivotal moment occurred in my 6th-grade year when my school held a competition on the topic of eye donation. I was unprepared and had to scramble to create a poster using materials borrowed from my classmates. Surprisingly, I received a call from my school informing me that I had been selected for the competition and would represent my school in Mount Abu. I was shocked but excited. While I didn't win, the experience exposed me to a world of artistry that I hadn't known before.... Meeting talented artists, witnessing their work, and the entire experience left an indelible mark on me. That was the moment I realized that maybe, just maybe, I had a future as an artist.My artistic journey truly began when I was scrolling through Instagram and stumbled upon a video by Sharad Sir, explaining the world of resin art. His words, "Hey, do you want to start your business in resin?" struck a chord with me. I had longed to start my own business, and this felt like the perfect opportunity. So, I took a leap of faith, joined SD Academia, and began my journey into resin art.One of my most unforgettable achievements was winning that 6th-grade competition. I'll never forget the sense of pride I felt knowing that I had created something significant with minimal resources and preparation. It was a pivotal moment that solidified my passion for art.In the early stages of my journey, I used to be deeply affected by the opinions of others. I constantly heard discouraging remarks from people around me, saying things like, "What's the point of this? It won't get you anywhere. Focus on your studies." These comments would sometimes make me doubt myself and my abilities. However, I persevered, thanks in no small part to my mother's unwavering support. She always believed in me, and that encouragement was my anchor.As I evolved as an artist, my perspective shifted. I stopped caring about others' opinions and focused on creating art that fulfilled me. Today, my biggest creative block comes when I become complacent or fail to explore new ideas. When I'm in a creative rut, I feel stuck, as if my entire world has come to a standstill. I even question my abilities, wondering if I'm capable of creating anything worthwhile.To overcome these moments, I have a simple solution—sleep. When my mind refuses to cooperate, I take a long nap. It's amazing how refreshed and motivated I feel when I wake up. It's as if sleep has the power to rejuvenate my creativity and give me a fresh perspective.Challenges have been a constant in my journey, especially coming from a traditional Marwadi family in Rajasthan. The comments and questions from relatives about the practicality of pursuing art were never-ending. "There's no future in this. What will you write in your biodata? Get a job so you can find a good husband." Such remarks used to bother me, but I decided to let my actions speak louder than words. My career is my priority, and I believe that success in my art will follow.There's a myth that every resin artist needs to be good at painting or drawing, but I disagree. Resin art is its own realm, and while painting and drawing skills can enhance it, they aren't prerequisites. Resin art allows for boundless creativity, and a keen sense of color and design can be more valuable than traditional artistic skills.One challenge in the world of resin art is space. Resin creations require both workspace and storage. I work from home and have designated areas for my art. My raw materials are stored in various places, from the kitchen store room to cupboards. Finished products find unique homes, even under the bed, to ensure they're safe from potential theft.Pablo Picasso's words, "Everything you can imagine is real," resonate deeply with me. I'm an imaginative person who can lose herself in her thoughts, even in complete silence. My imagination allows me to visualize the end product of my art, making it a reality.To anyone considering diving into resin art, my advice is simple: don't overthink it—just give it a try. Resin art is a wonderful, expressive medium, and it's essential to have proper workspace safety measures in place. Cover your work area well, wear gloves, and, if you're sensitive to fumes, use a mask. Beyond that, let your imagination run wild; it's all part of the fun.Currently, I'm experimenting with combining resin with various materials to create unique pieces. I envision myself as an entrepreneur in the next year, with plans for exhibitions, workshops, and expanded facilities for working on larger projects. My favorite creation so far has been the wall clock, which showcases the exquisite finishing that resin art can achieve.My journey into resin art has been both exciting and challenging, with financial milestones like reaching a revenue of 11,000 rupees and exploring new techniques like the beach pour table. As I continue to grow, I see myself reaching new heights in this artistic realm, all while staying true to my passion for creating and exploring the boundless possibilities of resin art.In my journey, SD Academia has played an instrumental role. They've been a source of support, patience, and encouragement, helping me navigate the intricacies of resin art. I feel proud to be a part of the SD Academia family, and I eagerly anticipate what the future holds for me as an artist.This journey hasn't been without its ups and downs. There have been times when a project didn't turn out as I'd hoped, leaving me demotivated. However, these moments serve as valuable lessons, pushing me to work harder and improve. On the other hand, creating something truly remarkable, like the moon geode wall art, fills me with an indescribable sense of accomplishment. Mandy Ma'am's positive feedback on this piece was a major confidence booster.One of my most cherished memories with SD Academia was during the introductory session with Sharad Sir when we created resin trays. It was my first foray into resin art, and the sense of achievement I felt when my work was among the first reviewed by Sir is something I'll always treasure.In my artistic journey, I've come to realize that imagination knows no bounds, and the world of resin art is where I belong. It's a world where dreams become tangible creations, and I'm excited to continue exploring, learning, and sharing my art with the world.

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