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by manju

In Conversation With Manju

Know More About Manju

Turning Resin Dreams into Reality

I started my artistic journey recently, a blank canvas eager to be painted with my passion for creativity. The world of art and craft has always fascinated me, and I chose to explore it by delving into a variety of creative avenues, including jewelry, furniture, home decor, preservation, and wall decor.But for someone who was just starting out, the road ahead was both exciting and daunting. My objectives were clear: to create awareness about my brand, gain a loyal following on social media, attract clients for customization, and venture into freelancing while accepting custom requests.With determination as my compass, I embarked on my artistic adventure. I experimented with resin to create unique pieces that showcased my creativity and craftsmanship. The city I reside in provided a vibrant backdrop for inspiration. It was a journey I was making on my own, and I was fueled by my love for art and craft, as well as my desire to support small businesses....As I dedicated my time and effort into perfecting my resin products, I was often asked when I'd know that my artwork had truly "made it." The answer was simple – they would have to take a risk, just as I had. Success was a mystery, and I couldn't predict when it would come knocking on my door.There were moments of doubt, but I learned to stay calm and face the challenges head-on. Mistakes were part of the process, but they only added to the story of my journey. I never saw work as a burden; it was a labor of love.As I continued to pour my heart into my creations, I realized that the art world was not a solitary endeavor. The support of friends and mentors, like Sharad Sir, played a crucial role in my journey. Their guidance gave me the confidence to keep pushing my limits.The past six months have been a whirlwind of creativity and self-discovery. I have embraced new techniques and challenged myself with different projects. Time limitations were my constant companion, pushing me to find innovative solutions.Though I hadn't yet achieved my goal of becoming a successful brand, I was proud of my creations. From Navkar Mantra frames to wall clocks, my work resonated with my clients and followers. It wasn't about the quantity; it was about the quality and the story behind each piece.I took pride in my craftsmanship, and my resin rakhi and car hanging pieces became popular. Every sale was a testament to my progress. It might have taken up a little space in my life, but the work was interesting, and the journey was exciting.There's a quote I often found myself reflecting on: "It always seems impossible until it's done." I would encourage anyone to try their hand at art and craft. It's a world where even the smallest creations can bring immense satisfaction.I realized that success wasn't just about personal accomplishments; it was about the journey itself. To me, success was about becoming a meaningful part of the artistic community and a respected name in the world of creativity.Looking ahead, I knew there was still much to explore, from expanding my product range to reaching a broader audience. But for now, I was content in the present moment, knowing that my art and craft journey was only just beginning, and the future was full of exciting possibilities.

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