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by dr. pavitra

In Conversation With Dr. Pavitra

Know More About Dr. Pavitra

From Dentistry to Resin Art: A Journey of Passion and Perseverance

In a quaint corner of the bustling city, there resides an artist with a unique story to tell. While her journey in the world of resin art may have started only recently, it has already blossomed into a beautiful fusion of passion and dedication.Our artist, who is also a dentist by profession, embarked on this artistic adventure with a clear vision in mind. She not only embraced resin art but also established her presence through various platforms, from setting up an online store to creating an Instagram page that showcases her stunning creations.But what sets her apart is not just her newfound love for resin; it's the wide array of specialties she offers in this art form. From crafting exquisite furniture pieces to delicate clutches and intricate keychains, her creations are as diverse as her imagination.Yet, behind every creation is a story, and for our artist, it all began with a moment of heartbreak.... When she relocated from abroad to India, her cherished glass crockery shattered during the journey. Determined to find a resilient alternative, she delved into resin art, leveraging her dental expertise to master this craft.As a child, she once won a medal in an art fest during her 5th grade, a memory she still cherishes with pride. It's these early sparks of creativity that ignited her passion for art.However, the path to becoming a resin artist was not without its challenges. Many criticized her decision to pursue this art form alongside her dental career, causing a creative block during the creation of her geode table. Frustrated and irritated, she withdrew from the external world, seeking solace in introspection and the soothing notes of relaxing music. She turned to social media for inspiration, gazing at various art pieces to break through her creative barriers.Facing opposition from family and friends due to her unconventional career choice, she persevered, using her passion for resin art to find inner peace and pursue her dreams. She believes that no profession is superior or inferior; it's the dedication and passion that matter most.Addressing the misconception that resin artists must excel in drawing and painting, she asserts that while these skills can enhance the creative process, they are not prerequisites. Resin art, she believes, is a canvas for those with high creative abilities.Managing the storage of resin products can be daunting, but for our artist, it's all about organization and careful handling. She ingeniously allocated her storage room for resin art, wrapping her finished products in butter paper and bubble wrap to protect them.She aptly quotes, "An artist is a creative being who works even while sleeping," emphasizing the ceaseless creative flow that resides within her.As for those aspiring to explore resin art, she extends a warm welcome, irrespective of their educational background. To her, this art form is a gateway for anyone willing to embrace creativity.Her personal touch lies in engraving sigils on her resin art, symbols that signify abundance, prosperity, love, calmness, and concentration.With ambitious dreams for the future, she aims to make resin art her mainstay business, offering workshops and classes to share her expertise. Her exquisite resin tables are a testament to her growing success, with each piece priced at 10,000 rupees.Beyond her commercial pursuits, she finds solace and inspiration in the sacred space of Hyderabad, where she passionately explores new possibilities in resin art.Reflecting on her journey, she credits the SD team for their unwavering support and guidance, helping her overcome challenges and refine her craft.In just six months, our artist has transformed from a novice to a budding resin art entrepreneur. She recalls moments of demotivation, such as when a clock creation went awry due to excessive use of a blowtorch. Yet, she has also tasted the sweet fruits of success, basking in the appreciation of her leaf impression resin tray.Her most memorable experience? A photography session with Priya Ji, a moment that encapsulated the essence of her artistic journey.As we bid adieu to this remarkable artist, her story remains an inspiration to all those who dare to pursue their passions, regardless of the obstacles. Her journey from dentistry to resin art is a testament to the boundless creativity that resides within us all.

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