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by Chitra

In Conversation With Chitra

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Resin Renaissance: Crafting Dreams into Art

In the heart of a bustling city, where dreams often take a back seat to careers, there lies an artist with a newfound passion - a passion that took root not long ago but is already blooming into a beautiful journey of creativity and self-expression. Meet our artist, who embarked on a unique artistic voyage, discovering the mesmerizing world of resin art.As our artist stands at the precipice of her artistic career, it's worth knowing that she didn't always envision herself crafting exquisite resin jewelry, home decor, and mixed media art. Her journey into the world of artistry was an unexpected yet delightful twist.A Childhood Spark Ignites: When reminiscing about her early days, she fondly remembers her maternal uncles, masterful at creating intricate building models. A particularly vivid memory involves an art model of a grand resort crafted by her uncle. This ignited a desire within her to delve into crafting unique pieces.... As a child, she adored creating little craft items, relishing every moment of the process.The Resin Revelation: However, her artistic pursuits took a backseat as adulthood beckoned. She pursued academics diligently and even considered a career in medicine. The world of sports and hobbies remained unexplored, but there was an ember of creativity burning within her.In school, during a craft class, she created a stunning kaleidoscope that caught the eye of her craft teacher, Kamlesh Miss. The teacher's appreciation was rewarding, but what truly surprised her was being awarded the title of the school's best crafts person. It was an honor bestowed purely on her creative flair, without any competition.The Creative Journey: As she moved beyond school, her crafty endeavors took a hiatus. Her focus shifted to studies and a career in pharmacy. She carved a niche for herself in pharmaceutical marketing, where her creativity found an outlet in strategy and visualization. Despite her success, moments of creative longing persisted. She yearned for something different, something that would reignite her creative spark.The Resin Art Romance: The moment of revelation came when she stumbled upon resin art, a medium that captivated her with its versatility and the magical feel it exuded. Watching foreign artists on YouTube create stunning resin art pieces seemed like a distant dream. However, her determination led her to a single decision - she had to learn it.A Childhood Dream Rekindled: She had once aspired to be a doctor, but now, her path was veering in an unexpected direction. She yearned to break free from the predictable and step into a world of boundless creativity.Navigating Creative Blocks: Many artists encounter creative blocks, moments when inspiration seems elusive. For our artist, these blocks took the form of creative twists, challenging her to think differently. Her experiences, both as a student and a professional, gave her unique perspectives on breaking free from creative stagnation.A Fresh Start: After more than two decades in pharmaceutical marketing, a decision loomed on the horizon. She decided to venture into uncharted territory, to explore a stream she had always been interested in but never practiced. The challenge was not to rest on past laurels but to start afresh.The Myth of Drawing and Painting: While many believe that being adept at drawing and painting is a prerequisite for resin art, our artist dispels this myth. She emphasizes that a resin artist must be a dreamer, a visualizer who can translate mental visions into beautiful works of art. Resin art transcends traditional skills; it thrives on imagination.Space and Storage: Resin art and products are often deemed space-consuming and challenging to store. Our artist agrees but offers a practical solution. She suggests creating larger pieces only when necessary or crafting them on order, allowing for easy removal once completed.Learning Knows No Age: The artist firmly believes that age is no barrier to learning. Her journey into resin art is proof that it's never too late to explore new horizons and discover hidden talents.The Road Ahead: As she plans to launch her jewelry line, our artist envisions a range of stylish jewelry pieces suitable for both corporate and casual settings. Her brother's request for a unique Circle of Fifths piece, created using the geode technique, is a testament to her adaptability and creative prowess.A Valuable Lesson: Through her journey, our artist has realized that appreciation for her work holds more value than the revenue generated. The joy of creating and the ability to share her art with the world outweigh any financial gains.A Moonstone Geode Masterpiece: Among her creations, one stands out - the Moonstone Geode. Its sheer size left her in awe, and the process of crafting it was a source of pure joy. Under the guidance of Mandy Ma'am, she marveled at her own ability to create such a stunning work of art.Our artist's journey is a testament to the transformative power of art. From a pharmaceutical marketing expert to a budding resin artist, her story is proof that creativity knows no bounds. With every resin creation, she's breathing life into her childhood dream, proving that it's never too late to embrace the artist within.As she continues to explore new techniques, develop her brand, and bask in the joy of artistic creation, we can't help but look forward to what the future holds for this talented and passionate resin artist.

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